The Science of Sleep: What We Know and What We’re Still Learning

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of human life, yet it remains a mystery in many ways. Scientists have been studying the science of sleep for decades, and while we have made significant progress in understanding its importance and functions, there is still much to discover…
The Importance of Sleep
Sleep is an essential function that allows our body and mind to recharge, leaving us refreshed and alert when we wake up[1]. It is necessary for good health and well-being throughout our life[2]. Here are some reasons why sleep is important:
- Brain function: Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly. This can impair our abilities to concentrate, think clearly, and process memories[1]. Good sleep can maximize problem-solving skills and enhance memory, while poor sleep has been shown to impair brain function and decision-making skills[4].
- Physical health: Sleep gives our body, including our brain, time to repair itself and carry out important functions, like clearing out waste and releasing hormones. Sleep is essential for good health, and we need it to survive, just like we need food and water[3]. Lack of sleep can lead to many negative effects, including a higher risk for certain diseases[1].
- Mental health: Good sleep is essential for maintaining our baseline mental health, as one night of sleep deprivation can dramatically affect mood the next day[6]. Sleep is essential to every process in the body, affecting our physical and mental functioning the next day, our ability to fight disease and develop immunity, and our metabolism and chronic disease risk[6].
- Safety: Sleep deprivation leaves people vulnerable to attention lapses, reduced cognition, delayed reactions, and mood shifts, which can put their health and safety at risk[1]. Lack of sleep may increase the risk of injury and lower motivation to exercise[4].
For most adults, at least seven hours of sleep each night is needed for proper cognitive and behavioral functions[1]. An insufficient amount of sleep can lead to serious repercussions. Therefore, it is important to prioritize and protect our sleep on a daily basis[4].
Stages of Sleep
The human body cycles through two phases of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, which is further divided into three stages, N1-N3[7][8][9][11][12]. Each phase and stage of sleep includes variations in muscle tone, brain wave patterns, and eye movements. The body cycles through all of these stages approximately 4 to 6 times each night, averaging 90 minutes for each cycle[7].
Here are the stages of sleep:
Non-REM Sleep:
- Stage N1: This is the lightest stage of sleep, and it is the typical transition from wakefulness to sleep. Patients awakened from it usually don’t perceive that they were actually asleep. Eye movements are typically slow and rolling, heartbeat and breathing slow down, muscles begin to relax, and you produce low amplitude mixed frequencies waves in the theta range (4 to 7 Hz) [9].
- Stage N2: This next stage of non-REM sleep comprises the largest percentage of total sleep time. During this stage, your heart rate slows, your body temperature drops, and your body is getting ready for deep sleep. This stage can last for 10-25 minutes[9].
- Stage N3: This is the deep sleep stage, also known as N3 or slow-wave sleep. It’s harder to rouse you during this stage, and muscle tone, pulse, and breathing rate decrease as the body relaxes even further[8][11].
REM Sleep:
- REM: This is the stage of sleep where most dreaming occurs. During REM sleep, your eyes move around rapidly in a range of directions, but don’t send any visual information to your brain. This stage is characterized by increased brain activity, rapid eye movements, and muscle paralysis[7][8][11].
Sleep stages are important because they allow the brain and body to recuperate and develop[9].
Why Do We Dream?
Dreams have been a topic of fascination for centuries, and while there are many theories about why we dream, there is no definitive answer[18]. Here are some of the most popular theories about why we dream:
- Memory consolidation: One of the most widely accepted theories is that dreaming helps consolidate and process memories[13][17]. During sleep, the brain replays and strengthens memories, and dreams may be a way for the brain to process and integrate these memories[13][17].
- Emotional regulation: Dreams may also help regulate emotions and process difficult experiences. Dreams can provide a safe space to work through emotional issues, and they may help us cope with stress and anxiety[13][17].
- Problem-solving: Some researchers believe that dreams can help us solve problems and come up with creative solutions[17]. Dreams may allow the brain to explore different scenarios and possibilities, leading to new insights and ideas[13].
- Brain development: Dreams may also play a role in brain development, particularly in children[13]. Dreams may help the brain develop and practice new skills, and they may be important for overall brain health and function[15].
While there is no one definitive answer to why we dream, it is clear that dreams play an important role in our mental and emotional well-being[17]. Dreams may help us process memories, regulate emotions, solve problems, and develop our brains, among other things.
Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation can have a range of negative effects on the body and mind, both in the short-term and long-term. Here are some of the most common effects of sleep deprivation:
Short-term effects:
- Reduced alertness and concentration
- Impaired cognitive function and memory
- Mood swings and irritability
- Increased risk of accidents and injuries
- Slowed reaction times
- Headaches
- Daytime sleepiness and fatigue
Long-term effects:
- Increased risk of chronic health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
- Impaired immune function and increased susceptibility to illness
- Increased risk of mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety
- Impaired cognitive function and memory
- Reduced quality of life
Sleep deprivation can also affect children differently than adults, with symptoms such as hyperactivity, moodiness, and temper tantrums[19]. It is important to prioritize and protect our sleep on a daily basis to avoid the negative effects of sleep deprivation[20].
Improving Sleep Quality
Improving sleep quality is essential for good health and well-being.
Here are some tips on how to improve sleep quality:
- Be consistent: Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, including on the weekends. This helps regulate your body’s clock and could help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night.
- Create a sleep-conducive environment: Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable temperature. Remove electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and smartphones, from the bedroom.
- Avoid stimulants: Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime. Caffeine and alcohol can interfere with sleep quality, and large meals can cause discomfort and indigestion.
- Exercise regularly: Being physically active during the day can help you fall asleep more easily at night. However, avoid being active too close to bedtime.
- Manage stress: Stress and anxiety can interfere with sleep quality. Try relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, to help manage stress.
- Stick to a bedtime routine: Just like kids, adults sleep better when they have a bedtime routine. Stick to a regular sleep schedule. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time, during the week and on weekends. Doing the same thing before bed each night can help prepare your body for rest and condition your brain for sleep.
- Be smart about what you eat and drink: Your daytime eating habits play a role in how well you sleep, especially in the hours before bedtime. Focus on a heart-healthy diet. It’s your overall eating patterns rather than specific foods that can make the biggest difference to your quality of sleep, as well as your overall health. Eating a Mediterranean-type diet rich in vegetables, fruit, and healthy fats—and limited amounts of red meat—may help you to fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly.
- Minimize light and sound: Minimize light and sound in your bedroom. Exposure to light in the evenings might make it more challenging to fall asleep. Avoid prolonged use of light-emitting screens just before bedtime. Consider using earplugs, a fan, or a white noise machine to help block out unwanted noise.
Incorporating these tips into your daily routine can help improve sleep quality and promote overall health and well-being.
How does the brain function during sleep?
During sleep, the brain goes through different stages that are important for various functions. The brain cycles through different stages of sleep, including non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
During NREM sleep, the brain and body undergo physical and mental restoration. Brain waves slow down, and the body relaxes. This stage is crucial for memory consolidation and learning. It is also a time when the brain repairs tissue, strengthens the immune system, and releases hormones.
REM sleep is associated with vivid dreaming and cognitive processes. Brain activity during REM is similar to when you are awake, with rapid eye movements and increased blood flow to the brain. It is believed to be crucial for emotional regulation, memory consolidation, and creativity.
Both NREM and REM sleep are essential for overall brain health and optimal cognitive functioning. Lack of sleep or disrupted sleep patterns can impact memory, attention, decision-making, and overall mental well-being.
what happens during each stage of Sleep?
There are typically five stages of sleep that individuals cycle through during a typical night’s rest. These stages are known as NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.
1. Stage 1: This is the transitional stage between wakefulness and sleep. During this stage, the brain produces theta waves, which are slower in frequency and higher in amplitude than the waves produced while awake. This stage lasts for only a few minutes, and people can be easily awakened during this time.
2. Stage 2: This is a light sleep stage that accounts for the majority of our sleep time. During stage 2, brain waves continue to slow down with occasional bursts of rapid brain activity called sleep spindles. The body’s temperature and heart rate decrease, and eye movements stop.
3. Stage 3: This stage is known as deep sleep or slow-wave sleep (SWS). During this stage, the brain produces slow delta waves, and blood flow is directed towards the muscles to promote growth and repair. It is difficult to wake someone up during this stage, and if they do wake up, they may feel groggy and disoriented.
4. Stage 4: Similar to stage 3, this is also a deep sleep stage characterized by the presence of delta waves. Stages 3 and 4 are often referred to together as slow-wave sleep. During this stage, it is even more challenging to wake someone up, and they may experience sleepwalking, night terrors, or bedwetting.
5. REM sleep: Rapid Eye Movement sleep is the stage where most dreaming occurs. During REM sleep, the brain becomes highly active, similar to when a person is awake. Breathing becomes irregular, and the eyes rapidly move back and forth. Muscle activity is suppressed to prevent acting out dreams. This stage is when memory consolidation and emotional processing take place.
It is important to note that these stages repeat throughout the night in cycles, with REM sleep becoming more extended in later cycles. A complete sleep cycle usually takes around 90 minutes, and individuals typically experience multiple cycles during a night of rest.
What are the recommended hours of sleep for adults and children
According to various sources[21][22][23][24][25][26], the recommended hours of sleep for adults and children are:
- Newborns (0-3 months): 14 to 17 hours per day (including naps)
- Infants (4-11 months): 12 to 15 hours per day (including naps)
- Toddlers (1-2 years): 11 to 14 hours per day (including naps)
- Preschoolers (3-5 years): 10 to 13 hours per day (including naps)
- School-age children (6-13 years): 9 to 11 hours per day
- Teenagers (14-17 years): 8 to 10 hours per day
- Adults (18-64 years): 7 to 9 hours per day
- Adults (65 years and older): 7 to 8 hours per day
It is important to note that these are general recommendations, and individual sleep needs may vary based on factors such as lifestyle, health, and genetics. It is also important to prioritize and protect our sleep on a daily basis to avoid the negative effects of sleep deprivation..